George’s Facial Expressions!

After a lot of work into the environment, I decided to jump back into the main character, George. I had to tweak a bit of his rig because of inaccurate paint weights, and also I felt that his rig wasn’t the best.

After adjusting his weights for the first week of the semester, I wanted to jump right into facial expressions. George doesn’t speak, so building phonemes were not exactly needed, but that meant I had to strongly communicate George’s emotions through his face and his body movements. I referenced my storyboard animatic on what expressions I needed to build.

I am currently working with Autodesk 3dsMax, so I used the Morpher modifier and created various channels for each movement (blinking, eye brow movements, etc.). I applied separate morphs to George’s body, his snout, and his bandana.

George Morph Channels,
George Morph Channels,
George Facial Expression Interface,
George Facial Expression Interface,

The only downside I found is that I couldn’t find a way to save the attributes I applied to create a facial expression; that way I wouldn’t have to manually change George’s face when I needed to. I do have a document with the values of each morph channel, so I have to reference that. But unfortunately, that’s the way I’m probably going have to work for now.

But here are the facial expressions of George!

George Facial Expressions,
George Facial Expressions,

I personally love how they turned out! I tried to push the expressions to the point where his face would look broken; I felt that would help push the very animated expressions within frames (but that’s for trial and error at a later stage in this production).

Next update I am planning to put George in specific positions in correlation to the animatic, and have his facial expressions to go along with it.

Until next time!